Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” is a famous modern tragedy in which Miller portrayed Willy Loman as a tragic hero. Miller has created Willy Loman’s character to display a person disarranged and disorganized in the world of which he was a member.
Modern Drama
Death of a Salesman as a modern tragedy | Arthur Miller |
Arthur Miller’s famous drama “Death of a Salesman” is regarded as one of the most impressive pieces of work of art in the 20th century. It examines the psychological turmoil of the hero named Willy, and the competitive and commercialized society’s influence on his life. “Death of a Salesman” is called modern tragedy because it does not obey the concept of Greek tragedy or the traditional concept of tragedy.
The Theatre of Absurd | History | Existentialism vs. Theatre of Absurd | Themes and Characteristics |
The Theatre of Absurd is a specific type of drama penned mainly by European playwrights between the 1940s to 1960s. The primary reason for the origin of the Theatre of Absurd perhaps located in the eruption of World War II.