“Wuthering Heights,” written by Emily Brontë, is a classic Victorian novel that captures the essence of the time. This literary masterwork, published in 1847, is set against the backdrop of the Yorkshire moors. A reclusive person, Emily Brontë was one of the Brontë sisters, and her novel was published under the pseudonym “Ellis Bell.” Reflecting the dominant Victorian literary tradition, Brontë explores the intricacies of human emotions and cultural customs in this stormy and passionate tale of love, retribution, and social class. In this essay, we will explore how “Wuthering Heights” embodies the values and themes of the Victorian era, making it an enduring work of literature.
Victorian Period
Victorian Age in English Literature
The Victorian Age, which derives its name from the reign of Queen Victoria spanning from 1837 to 1901, marked a profound shift in English literature and culture. The emphasis on emotion and imagination of the Romantic era gave way to a new emphasis on social realism, industrialization, and the intricacies of a quickly changing society during this time. With its innovations in technology and urbanization, the Industrial Revolution significantly influenced the Victorian era.